30 Days of Brave | Neff Twins

“I am a parent to NICU grads.

When I think about bravery I think about my fiancé. When I was pregnant with my son in 2022, I had an eclamptic seizure and had to deliver by c-section. He was so brave and scared and everything I needed. My son stopped breathing at birth and spent a few days in the NICU. when I think about bravery, I also think about how he reacted to our daughters in the NICU.

I know bravery because of how brave I had to be at every ultrasound when they told me not to expect a heartbeat with twin A (Juniper) at further appointments after my anatomy scan.

I know bravery because my 31 week 2 & 4 lb babies tackled episodes, labs, bubble c-pap & still wear the biggest smiles at almost 6 months actual.

To me bravery in the NICU means waking up everyday even if your family is separated and you’re scared. My son showed us bravery when he got to see his twin sisters for the first time in the NICU! He was 16 months.

When I think about bravery I think about all the moms on the mother baby unit while their babies are in the NICU and they just have to listen to the other babies crying. I think about the nurses who spend time navigating alarms, working codes and still managing to smile at the other moms.” NICU Mama, Martha

Amy Finn